After years of following a passion and seeing no positive movement forward the idea started coming into consciousness of creating a new workshop. So through investigating the web came across a series of workshop known as ‘Creating Transformational workshops using the Mind-Body Technique’ By Ken Nelson and the team.
So the decision was made to go enrol and complete the courses that were on offer.
Then coming back home the decision started to spawn in consciousness why not create an Energetic Workshop. It what started the journey into these series of books.
The only intention was this: ‘Ignite the divine spark’ that YOU are.
This obviously started the journey. You do witness the challenges that the character has to face while navigating through to the targeted intention.
The character for years was in involved in abusive relationships as well as destructive habits and through the intention at hand and the will to achieve it these transformational books started to come into formation. You witness how the character starts facing all these challenges and as this is done it starts to create the transformation into the authentic self, releasing all that was negating the growth.
There were healings that came into consciousness while going through this journey some of them came in the character’s dreams.
It is not an easy pathway yet it was one that kept the character going forward with this mind set:
You can run. . .
You can walk. . .
You can crawl. . .
But never give up. . .